BARAKA will perform the gig in Tokyo, and you can watch it via live streaming!!
The live performance will start from 8pm on July 28, Tokyo Time (JST).
You can watch it by purchasing e-ticket from the website below.
Unfortunately the instruction is wrtten in Japanese.
So we will translate a part of them in English and explain how to purchase step by step.
1) Go to the website shown above.
Then you can find the page as below.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can find the botton with Chinese Character “国”, then you can choose English by pushing the botton. Some of the instruction may be shown English from Japanese (we have not checked all of them, so we will explain Japanese version).
3) On the same page you can find the following botton. This is “Login” botton, so press it.

4) You can login by using either facebook, twitter, or instagram account.
Push the botton, write your ID and password.

5) Then you will find the page below. Push “purchase” botton.

6)Next, you need to input your e-mail address twice on the page as shown below.

7) Scroll down and you will find the botton shown below. First, check the square (which means “I agree the privacy policy”), then push the blue botton.

8) One more step. You need to pay on this page.
We assume you will pay either credit card or Amazon.

9) This is the page for credit card payment.

If you can pay successfully, you will get the e-mail from If you cannot, please let us know.